
2007 outlook pst repair
2007 outlook pst repair

2007 outlook pst repair

CRC errors reported when trying to copy pst-file.Repairing a pst-file around 1.8GB in size.Getting repair prompts even after successful repair.Locating scanpst.exe for your Outlook version.This guide helps you locate the Inbox Repair Tool for your version of Outlook, walks you through the repair process and gives recommendations what to do to when the Inbox Repair Tool fails and how to prevent pst-file corruptions from happening in the future. In other cases, you might get recommended to use this tool when you are suffering from some specific symptoms such as (but not limited to), Outlook crashing upon displaying a folder or writing data to it, mspst.dll errors in the Event Viewer, import/export not completing, several send/receive errors or view settings not being maintained.

2007 outlook pst repair

The file is not an Outlook data file (.pst). The Inbox Repair Tool is your first-aid-kit when it comes down to corruptions in your Outlook’s data storage file (pst-file).Ī common need for running this tool is when Outlook refuses to load or is not willing to open a pst-file and displays an error similar to Ĭannot start Microsoft Outlook.

2007 outlook pst repair