
Wireshark ip tracker
Wireshark ip tracker

How can I identify a DDoS/DoS attack with wiresharkĪnd then I did some sorting in the TCP and UDP tabs. However: sometimes it's enough to make your DNS server fail, for whatever reason (please check the logs).

wireshark ip tracker wireshark ip tracker

So, actually it looks like a DDoS, even though the frequency of the packets is not very high.

  • They are sending the same DNS request again and again from different IP addresses (for: ), which (sometimes) causes a server failure on your server.
  • There is also mostly one target (, not a range of systems, so this is not a port scan.

    wireshark ip tracker

    They are not scanning different ports, they are 'hammering' all on the same ports (DNS, 445, 139, usw.).There are different IP addresses, all trying the same.O.K., with access to the capture file (updated question), this looks much more like an attack, even a bit like an attempt to run a DDoS.

    Wireshark ip tracker